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OVC Fitness & Rehab

OVC Fitness & Rehabilitation Service (OVC FAR)

The OVC Fitness and Rehabilitation Service, located at the Hill’s Pet Nutrition Primary Healthcare Centre, provides physical rehabilitation services for patients referred through the OVC Smith Lane Animal Hospital and the OVC Health Sciences Centre, as well as we welcome referrals from veterinarians across Ontario.

Our Rehabilitation Service provides excellent programs for your pet such as:

  • Weight loss and fitness programs
  • Managing osteoarthritis and chronic pain
  • Recovery from orthopaedic and neurologic conditions
  • Regaining function safely following surgery

We also offer ‘prehab’ (rehabilitation before surgery) programs and assessment to clients who are interested.

Fitness and Rehab

Download our OVC Referral Form

For more information about OVC FAR, email us at or phone us at 519-824-4120 ext. 53068.